Heating Oil

Trust the professionals at Champlain Valley Fuels to bring the highest quality heating oil anywhere in Vermont’s Addison, Southern Chittenden, and Rutland counties. We distribute prompt and reliable delivery of ultra-low sulfur heating oil.
If you are looking for an upgrade, our technicians also offer installation services that are quick, safe, and thorough.
Why choose heating oil?

Heating oil continues to advance with new and improved technologies to make it more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and affordable.
Environmentally Friendly
Over the past 40 years, heating oil professionals have been dedicated to creating a safer fuel for the environment. By making strides through technology, these professionals have been able to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the air by 33% in the past four decades. Not only that, but heating oil is blended with renewable biofuels, creating less of a dependence on foreign oil and lessening the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels even more.
Energy Efficient
Technological advances have led to the improvement of efficiencies, size, and convenience of all sorts of heating equipment. There are some furnaces and boilers that have efficiencies of upwards of 95%. Not only are you using less fuel oil, but you are saving money in energy costs - nearly an entire tank of fuel every year.
Heating oil is one of the safest fuels on the market. There are no toxic gasses or risks of explosion when dealing with heating oil, unlike natural gas or propane. This means you can store heating oil either outside, inside, or aboveground.